Dear reader a new blog called Monthly Guitar. A blog for guitar´s friend or guitar aficionados. There have been lots of emails asking about guitars and gear. So I ´ll post a monthly blog referring to all the stuff.
Monthly Guitar/ February
2005 Gibson Les Paul Standard USA –

This was the last Les Paul USA Standard I bought back in 2006 @ musik-butik/ Germany. It´s weight relieved, 9 holes drilled out of the mahogany body. It has got a beautiful back and some aging by myself while using it. Pick up´s middle position gives a percussive tone similar to a semi hollow. Pickups are burstbucker pros, which were first introduced in 2002 on Gary Moore`s Signature model. I put the pick guard on. The 50s neck, not a chunky Custom Shop one, got thin high frets. It´s tiger flamed but not highly figured with the typical peek a poo to be found on Custom Shop Les Pauls.
photo cmartin photo cmartin